Tag: Vegetables


TOP 10 Colorful Beet Recipes

November 28, 2023 No Comments

Don’t underestimate beets! They might be a humble root veggie, but these beet recipes prove just how delicious, versatile and colorful they can be. Whether you like them roasted, in a salad, as a side dish, or even for dessert, there are a variety of delicious options to enjoy beets.

TOP 10 Easy Root Vegetable Recipes

November 9, 2023 No Comments

Root vegetables are underground plant parts that are eaten as food. Potatoes, beets, carrots, parsnips, rutabagas, radishes… these are all root vegetables. Most can be stored long time after harvest and are quite economical. They can be enjoyed raw or cooked. They hold up well to slow cooking and are therefore perfect for simmering or […]


TOP 10 Fennel Recipes, for Shaving, Grilling, Roasting

May 24, 2023 No Comments

Thanks to its aromatic taste and crispy texture, fennel brings freshness to any dish. It can be prepared in various ways: raw, grilled, roasted or sautéed. It can appear in salads, in side or main dishes or even be eaten alone. Here are 10 different fennel recipes that will help you enjoy this vegetable in […]

cultiver des pousses

How to Grow Sprouts

September 26, 2022 2 Comments

Growing sprouts is a relatively easy gardening project. Indeed, it requires very little material and space, and green shoots have a short growth period and can be grown year-round!


TOP 10 Eggplant Recipes You’ll Want to Eat Every Day

August 3, 2022 No Comments

Eggplant season is finally back! Rich in fiber and antioxidants, this purple-colored “fruit” is the star of summer vegetables. The name “eggplant”, which is commonly used in North America and in Australia, was originally applied to white cultivars, that look very much like hen’s eggs.

Fruits riches en eau

TOP 10 Water-Rich Foods

June 26, 2022 No Comments

Water is the most important element of our body. It accounts for 60 to 65 % of the weight of adults. This proportion varies according to age and decreases over the years. In order to compensate for the losses (about 2 liters per day), we must drink daily. Some of this hydration can come from […]

Jeunes pousses

Green Shoots and Sprouts: Benefits and Risks

June 10, 2022 No Comments

Green shoots and sprouts are seeds of vegetables, legumes, cereals, grasses, or nuts and seeds that are germinated and picked a few days/weeks after they have germinated, before they become plants in their own right.

Fruits and vegetables

7 Tips to Better Store Fruits and Vegetables

March 7, 2022 No Comments

Do you know how to store fruits and vegetables to extend their life? Whether you already know or do not know how to keep your veggies, these 7 tips will help you reduce waste and save money.

TOP 10: Cabbage Recipes to Fill up with Vitamins

February 3, 2022 No Comments

Vitamins are essential nutrients to keep us healthy. While it’s important to get them all year round, it’s more important in the winter season because the body experiences more stress during this period which hence makes it more susceptible to colds, flu, and other health problems. Luckily winter is also cabbage season. Do you think […]

lLow-FODMAP Vegetables

TOP 15 Low-FODMAP Vegetables

November 5, 2021 No Comments

The low-FODMAP diet provides relief to long-time sufferers of IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)*. It consists of a phase of temporary elimination of FODMAP carbohydrates, followed by a phase of reintroduction and a phase of long-term maintenance. Since FODMAPs are found in many fruits, vegetables, nuts, dairy and grain products, the person starting this diet may […]

TOP 10 Creative Bell Pepper Recipes

August 9, 2021 No Comments

Bell peppers are available year-round, but they’re at their best in late summer, when they’re more likely to come from a local farm! Delicious and versatile, they beautifully color our dishes, whether they are eaten raw or cooked, grilled or roasted. To make the most of them, here are ten succulent recipes with brightly colored […]

Nightshades Dangerous for Your Health?

Are Nightshades Dangerous for Your Health?

August 8, 2021 No Comments

In nutrition, it is not uncommon to hear everything and its opposite. So how do you find your way around when one day you hear that you have to eliminate a certain food from your diet, and then the next day it’s the one that you absolutely have to have on your plate? You may have […]

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